how well does the paperwhite (2024) deal with comics/manga?

i want to get an e-reader but i’m stuck between the paperwhite and the kobo libra.

my main use will be for regular novels, but i read my fair share of comics and manga, so i’m curious whether it’s a nightmare or not (my only ereader is an old 2013 kobo, and reading anything on it is slow as hell).

the colour and library integration of the kobo are attractive to me (neither the coloursoft, nor libby are available in canada for kindle, and there’s no estimated release date for either), but aren’t a total dealbreaker since most of my reading will be regular, black and white books. i really like the ease of the kindle, especially now that i can drop in epubs… so now i have to make a decision.

so, if you’ve read comics on the paperwhite, how’d it go? is the lag disruptive? is it worth just keeping my shounen jump subscription on my phone?