I suppose this counts as an introduction!
Hi everyone and welcome to my midlife crisis! Long story short, I want to go back to karate.
My 8-year-old son recently took his first Shotokan karate class (at my encouragement) and he is hooked! So I checked out what he'd be learning and what he'd need to be able to do for his first grading in a few months. Helping him with his zenkutsu dachi, gedan barai, oi zuki, and going through taikyoku shodan with him was so special. I showed him my old karategi and belts and my library of books and I'll be honest I got a bit misty-eyed about it all.
I'm a 40-something dad now and I stopped training almost 20 years ago, I actually discovered that this year will literally mark 20 years since my last grading. I found my old SKIF grading book and again was almost floored with the nostalgia. I only advanced to 5th kyu so I realise I'd be pretty much starting again from scratch, but man I really have the itch! I remember how much I loved this. I got a slight wake-up call recently when I discovered that Hirokazu Kanazawa had died back in 2019 and at the time I didn't even know about it. The old me would have mourned him. He was a legend and a hero of mine and I'll never forget the times I got to train with him and what a great teacher he was and how friendly and encouraging he was to me. There are things I'm teaching my son now that he taught me. How could his death have escaped my notice?!
Ah sorry for rambling. Like I said, welcome to my midlife crisis! It beats buying a sports car or having an affair at least! I know these threads pop up here every so often so I'm not going to just ask "Is 40 too old?" My situation at the moment is that the beginners class at my son's dojo is just his class. It is entirely populated with little kids his age, I don't think there's anyone there over 12 and most are around 8 to 10. I'm not an especially proud man but there is no way my old ass is going to be the only adult in that class! It's not just an embarrassment thing; it would just be weird and I'd kill the whole vibe of the class with one old guy among little children. Also practically I just couldn't spar or do drills with little kids. I'm fine with training alongside some kids - I was an adult beginner back 20 years ago after all - but when it's literally just little kids in the class that's a different thing. On top of all that, this is my kid's class and I don't want to cramp his style. I want him to make friends/
I am toying with the idea of asking the sensei if I could have one-to-one classes. That's not anything that's advertised by the club so I don't know if they do that and I'm unsure how asking that will be received. Would I come off as a snob not wanting to train like everyone else? ...Am I a snob? The other idea I had is just training by myself at home until I've gotten some of my old skills and fitness back and then asking to join as a 5th kyu (getting graded after a probationary period I imagine). I don't know what to do really.
So, that's me. Hello! I've you've made it down this far in what has ended up reading like an old blog post then thank you. Any encouragement, advice, friendship, would be very much appreciated.