Bank Card About to Expire

Salam 👋🏻 so I have a debit card the is about to expire in February and I have a few questions related to it.

  1. The date on card is 02/2025, does that mean the card will still function for the whole month of February or will it expire immediately at 1st Feb?

  2. Do I go to bank branch to order a new card or will they sent me a new card automatically?

(I once randomly received a new card through mail without any prior notice from them or without asking from my side, I think maybe they switched to new card technology or something so they automatically send me a new card without any requests.)

  1. How long does it take to get the new card? I have several important monthly subscriptions linked to the old one so it would be a huge hassle is the payments are not processed because of card expiry.

Thank you for you time and response!