AITA? Multiple cars parked on the sidewalk every day, often without plates. I think it’s a small car dealer. I called the business & told them to move cars weeks ago. Today I called parking enforcement.
On Rt. 139 in the Heights 1. A few automotive businesses like Firestone, a small a car wash, and a used car dealer all park multiple cars on the sidewalk, all day, every day. 2. Parking on the sidewalk is illegal, dangerous for pedestrians, it can damage the sidewalks, and it gives the general impression that it’s okay to break the law around here. 3. Since they’re small businesses, I imagine they’re overall good for the community, so I can tolerate walking around a couple cars. I myself got tires at Firestone a couple years back. It “looks bad” (ie blight) but it’s no big deal so just let it be, right? 4. This summer, someone pulling onto the road from the sidewalk wasn’t looking and almost hit somebody. I called the # on the business and said to move the cars before someone got hurt. 5. Today, same thing happened, then I noticed one car has no front plates (but does have a PBA medallion in the windshield) and the Escalade behind it has no plates at all. 6. Finally, I called JC Parking Authority 20 min ago to report it. I’m wondering how others might view the situation, should any exceptions be made for small businesses, and how can I follow up on my report to the city?