Local Hero (1983)

Vibrant 80s cinematography, lovable characters, and quirky Wes Anderson style comedy are the backbone of Bill Forsyth’s Local Hero; the story of two men on a journey to buy out a small village to construct an oil plant, but undergo unexpected circumstances that change everything. This movie was delightfully unpredictable at all times and refused to give in to typical 80s plot tropes, however not all of the humor landed for me. Overall, this was a solid and heartwarming film that deserves more views and appreciation!

Vibrant 80s cinematography, lovable characters, and quirky Wes Anderson style comedy are the backbone of Bill Forsyth’s Local Hero; the story of two men on a journey to buy out a small village to construct an oil plant, but undergo unexpected circumstances that change everything. This movie was delightfully unpredictable at all times and refused to give in to typical 80s plot tropes, however not all of the humor landed for me. Overall, this was a solid and heartwarming film that deserves more views and appreciation!