Struggling with my colonized (Palestinian) father and the pain he inflicts on my family
Hello all,
Not to get personal here, but I'm struggling with something that perhaps some of you in the diaspora can relate to especially in the West/United States that I have to get off of my chest.
I'm first-generation Palestinian American and Muslim. Both of my parent are from a village in the West Bank (and cousins lol). Father came at the age of six to the US and mom came around 12/13. Since my dad grew up in the West, he started to lose his culture and identity over time and started become more secular and less affiliated with Palestine. Eventually he got to a point where he hated and resented Palestine and Palestinians and started blaming the Palestinians for their own occupation.
He never wanted to take me and my three siblings (I'm the oldest of four) back to Palestine. My mom never wanted to go back to visit by herself but my dad said he was never going to take her. Dad always kept pushing me to live the western, individualistic, nihilistic life of individualism and materialism. Every time my brother and I asked him to pray with us, he refused. In fact, sometimes he would say things that were semi-Islamophobic and anti-Arab. At this point, he's a cultural Muslim who sometimes still questions if god even exists. He also left my mom and married another woman isn't Arab nor Muslim. All of this was well before Oct 7 and the genocide in Gaza.
Fast forward, Oct 7 happened and my dad began acting outright demonic. I saw him around Thanksgiving about a month and a half later and he began cursing Hamas and cursing Gaza saying that they set Palestine 50 years backwards and "ruined everything for everyone." He showed no sympathy for the victims in Gaza and acted as if they were just pawns being used by Hamas for some ancient barbaric blood sacrifice instead of blaming the occupation and recognizing them as martyrs who are dying for their land. He then went on to question Allah and started saying dehumanizing things about the Arab world and began blaming them for having dictators that were propped up by the US.
He then kept romanticizing the West and fetishizing western values and talking about how the Arab and Muslim world is barbaric and uncivilized and that they deserve everything that is happening to them right now. I kept rebutting his hateful remarks and he said "I will buy you a ticket to Tel Aviv tomorrow, go to Israel and then go to the West Bank. Show me which area is cleaner and which one is more backwards and underdeveloped and savage." Every time I kept saying that he can't justify Israel's existence and genocide simply because they are a more materialistic and secular society, he would just attack me with baseless and hateful language.
We didn't talk for four months after that until he called back and threatened to cut me off and disown me. I didn't speak to him again until the Fourth of July and his brother came and served as a mediator. He doubled down on what he said on Thanksgiving and said that he would have much rather accepted Netanyahu annexing all of Palestine instead of watching the genocide happening, which is basically surrender. Then he started accusing me of not having a job because of my activism and he started saying that "people will look at your resume and see your name and see you're Palestinian and not want to hire you" as if all those things were my fault. That's before he said "if you want to save the world, why don't you go to Gaza and save them if you love them so much?" knowing that he's telling me to go into an active genocide.
Long story short, I keep very warm and cordial relations with him. But deep down I still feel anger, resentment, pain, and outright hatred. I don't ever wish death or harm on anyone, including him, but I won't be upset if he leaves this world tomorrow. My mom is only Islamically married to him because she has no income and relies on him for financial support, which she receives only by accepting his verbal and emotional abuse.
Does anyone have any advice, words of validation, and/or similar experiences dealing with diaspora parents who are vile and filled with animosity and self-hatred?
**EDIT: I forgot to mention that I do NOT live with either parent. I'm 26 living on my own in a different city working multiple part-time jobs. I was laid off my previous full-time job before the genocide happened. Sadly I still at time ask my father for money since my last three jobs out of school did not pay me enough money to accumulate and save wealth along with two separate unemployment periods I went through**