Prediction: the ham will replace turkey completely as "the Christmas food" within 5 years max

Calling my shot now.

Turkey is harder to cook, can end up dry, and is a bit boring compared to the glorious honey roast ham. The ham is what everyone takes a little nibble at on Christmas eve and on Christmas day.

Ham with its sugary sticky coating and salty middle is the sexy, indulgent side of the dinner compared to the sensible - dare I say, healthy component - the turkey. Turkey requires gravy and cranberry to bring it to life, ham waits for no one. Ham is good to fucking go.

With everyone being increasingly health conscious, turkey has become an all year round thing these days as the healthy lean protein option for midweek dinners and lunches. Turkey stir fries and turkey wraps. Honey roast ham DARES you to count its fucking calories. You don't have the fucking BALLS to count them big lad.

So this is my prediction - turkey becomes a sideshow or optional to the ham by 2028. It'll be "have you ordered your ham yet" not "have you ordered your turkey yet".