Family member stole my old iPhone and tried going through it

Okay guys, I need some help.

I have a family member who was over my house recently, and without my permission, stole one of my old iPhones. The iPhone was cracked and damaged, but still turns on and works.

I was driving and I got a message to my current iPhone, and this is what the message said. I realized at that moment that my old iPhone had been stolen, and someone had definitely turned it on , and possibly attempted to look through it. The phone is pass code protected, but it gave me an uneasy feeling. I tracked the location of the iPhone to confirm my family member did indeed have my phone.

Here’s the thing. This family member….has a bad track record of doing some inappropriate things. And I am fearful that my phone has been looked through to find pictures/videos. My question is regarding the message I received. The phone is passcode protected, but is it possible he got into the phone? It said my iMessage was accessible? This is a HUGE deal and major violation of privacy, and I need to get some facts together first before approaching him about this.

Okay guys, I need some help.

I have a family member who was over my house recently, and without my permission, stole one of my old iPhones. The iPhone was cracked and damaged, but still turns on and works.

I was driving and I got a message to my current iPhone, and this is what the message said. I realized at that moment that my old iPhone had been stolen, and someone had definitely turned it on , and possibly attempted to look through it. The phone is pass code protected, but it gave me an uneasy feeling. I tracked the location of the iPhone to confirm my family member did indeed have my phone.

Here’s the thing. This family member….has a bad track record of doing some inappropriate things. And I am fearful that my phone has been looked through to find pictures/videos. My question is regarding the message I received. The phone is passcode protected, but is it possible he got into the phone? It said my iMessage was accessible? This is a HUGE deal and major violation of privacy, and I need to get some facts together first before approaching him about this.