Do you guys also struggle with dating?

I’m a 20 year old INFJ and I’ve realized is very hard for me to find potential partners. In part I think because of my Introspective, Itntroverted nature (I don’t really enjoy going out and partying a lot, I mostly enjoy staying home with my dog reading so It’s hard to meet new people).

But I’ve also noticed that my romantic interests are usually people who don’t really seen to be interest in me at all. Both guys that I recently have a crush on got girlfriends before I could “make my move” and I also think that I was not “their” type anyways.

I only had one boyfriend and I really liked him because he seen to be very undersntable and it felt like he actually wanted to listen what I gotta to say but as the relationship progressed he became very intense and attached really quicly and he was emotionally relying a lot on me to the point which it got exhauating and we ended up breaking up.

I guess this was just to say that I kind wish I could find someone who was interest in getting to know me as much as I’m interesses in getting to know them but It seens super hard.

Do you guys feel the same? Have any of you overcame it?