I had a really weird dream recently. I was literally shaking when I woke up.

Yesterday I had the weirdest dream ever. I dreamt that my mom was going somewhere and asked me to follow them to the station. When we reached the station and was about to board the train, she asked me to keep her home key to her house. There was no buses so she asked me to take the cycle. I saw a random cycle on the street and took it. Apparently my house was 2 Kilometers from the station and I had three minutes to cycle to the home and then cycle back to the station. Anymore than that and the train will leave. On the way, I am not sure how but suddenly it was a car I was driving and not a cycle (my cycle converted to a car and I wasn't questioning any of it).

As soon as I left the key in the house, I came back to the cycle (yes, it had converted back to cycle again) and was jumped by the bodyguard of the President of Israel. (He looked like a fusion between Benjamin Netanyahu and Mr Donald Trump) and told me I had run out of time and the train has departed. He offered me a seat in his bike to help catch the train but as soon as I reach station, I didn't find the train but there were British residents taking shelter from the Japanese Kamikaze pilots who were bombing the place. I just stood there, not even scared and that's when I realised that the Japanese were after me because I stole Mr Tojo's cycle and now they want justice by chopping my head of. They took me to Israel (and here Israel for some reason was friend with Palestine) where the Arab prince put me to the guillotine. I forgot what happened after that but it definitely was not a nice sight. I was literally grateful for my mom to wake me up.

Also to those wondering if it's real or fiction: This is real.