Indian Muslims & Caste
I was recently discussing the caste system in India with someone (he was Agnostic/Atheist) and they said it is a big issue specifically among Indian Muslims. They gave a link to this article as proof:
I’ve looked some genetic studies and found that Indian Muslims tend to have more foreign DNA than other Indians (usually 10-15% of Persian and/or 10-15% of Turkic, and some do have Arab too). Apparently more foreign ancestry = higher caste? Because the Mughal rulers/administrators were all foreign ancestry?
It’s really confusing, and I’ve never once heard of caste being a thing among Indian Muslims. Not in rishta group chats, and it’s not even something that’s brought up at all. So it’s the first time I’m hearing this
Kind of confusing, would love to hear about what you all have to say, especially based on any historical facts.