My experience as an Indian-American Muslim
Thought I would talk about how my experience has been like growing up in America. My parents are originally from Hyderabad, and I grew up near a major city in America. My experience is extremely common for most Indians here, and probably applies a lot to any desi diaspora in the west.
- Culture is a hybrid
To most desis, their culture will become a mix of their own and new. They will largely hold values that are more American and particularly ones that are found among city dwellers (a general respect for diversity, individualism, etc), but they will also hold onto many parts of their indian identity. We will see popular or highly rated Indian movies or Netflix shows but we dont interact with Indian media outside of this. We understand and speak our native language at home, but other than that we keep to the American side. We have dawaats every weekend or so, and we also host events for the super bowl (American football). This becomes a sort of recurring theme, so the culture is almost an ornamental hybrid. The rule breaker Ive seen is that most Indians love Indian food far more than anything found here. I notice with gen z we take on the American side a lot more, but for millennials they are in touch with their Indian side. Likely a product of the time periods each group grew up in.
- Life is not as lively
One of the biggest culture shocks that come from visiting Indian cities is seeing how insanely alive they feel. Tons of yelling, chaos and cramming. This type of life is pretty much a 180 of how it is in American suburbia, where the majority of desi families live. On an average day its very quiet, and even in american cities you generally dont see the level of organized chaos you see in indian ones. Perhaps Im only looking at this from an outsiders perspective but I always joke about this: The differences you see in India vs America. This is one of the most obvious. And it makes me wonder if India is an introverts nightmare
- Muslims get along, kind of
Muslims fall on a pretty broad spectrum here, from conservative to very liberal. These ideological differences generally do divide people, but one of the more unfortunate things Ive seen is that muslim communities tend to separate based on a broad racial group. Desis will generally stick to desis, arabs with arabs, somalis with somalis etc. Desis of all types (Indian, pakistani, bengali, sri lankan idk) tend to get along well here despite the drama you see abroad or online. There is tension that exists with arabs however, desis vs arabs tends to be the main divider here. This type of separation isn't a hard rule, and more recently Ive seen people break away from it. Its still something that is noticeable though
- If you dont make your narrative someone else will
The general perception that Americans have towards India isnt good, especially with the recent viral street food videos and all. This doesnt really carry over to Indians raised here, as they see a discrepancy between what they see online and what they see Indians do here, so most americans see Indians as a tech workers that occupy large parts of suburban america, with a bad view on their hygiene but a good view on their food (butter chicken/chicken tikka and naan only lol). Theres a lot of ignorance when it comes to Indian muslims. You will get the occasional "wait youre muslim? I thought you were Indian?" "Theres muslims in India?". Surprisingly you will also find other muslims asking you this or seeing you this way, so I have to explain to them "yeah india has one of the largest numbers of muslims" "islams been there for hundreds of years, there were big empires there". This perception that Islam is an arab religion (particularly gulf arab), remains present in most of the publics mind here (because of movies and all). So its important to educate and talk to people about Indian muslims and their history, because if you dont these misconceptions will only get worse.
There are some things I didnt cover in this post, mainly related to racism, self hating indians, and some other common things you will find. But those warrant an entirely different conversation