Most common Biology ATP question list from 2015 to 2022! for free + Most common experiments + Booklets to practice your drawing skills.
Hey guys!! These r all of my Biology ATP resources, and I'd like to give a brief into to them.
- I've made 2 booklets that contain all the biology drawing questions from 2015 TO 2022. I'd highly recommend u to print both of these booklets. One booklet contains easy drawings, and the other one contains harder drawings. If your drawing skills r not that great, then first solve the easy drawing booklet and then solve the harder one. If u thing u r quite good at drawing questions, then directly go for the harder ones. Further, try to fill the entire space below the watermark with your drawing.
- There's one pdf with most common biology experiments. I've written the experiments in a specific format if u notice. First there is the method, then safely/precautions and then constant variable. I'd highly recommend u to follow this format. Also write the method in bullet points or numbered points instead of paragraphs. At the end of your answer, if appropriate, don't ever forget to write this sentence "repeat the whole experiment twice more and calculate the average." Also the experiments r written in kind of an explanatory way, so don't feel free to change the sentence structure to make it more apt for your answer.
- The pdf with the most common Bio ATP questions is called "ATP analysis", for some stupid reasons I don't recall 😅. I just named it and then forget to change it. so just keep that in mind.
Study hard:
Biology ATP Analysis By Vasumitra Gajbhiye
Biology drawing booklet from 2015 to 2022. HARD
Biology drawing booklet from 2015 to 2022. EASY
TIPS for biology drawing:
- do not draw sketchy lines. people who r good at sketching stuff (like me) have a habit of drawing sketchy/artistic lines. avoid these kinds of lines and try to make one single continuous line.
- draw the initial sketch very lightly with a pencil. after u r satisfied with it, darken it and then rub the initial light sketch.
- USE MATHS: there r many students who tend to mess up the proportions of their drawings. the solution is very simple. use maths. firstly, decide a ratio of enlargement. like 1.5x or 2x. this ratio is dependent on the space you r provided with. but go with the largest possible one. once u fix the ratio, say 2x. then measure the length of the drawing in the question. multiply it by 2 and then mark that length using 2 dots on the space provided. do this for different sections of the drawing in the question. in this way draw the outline of your drawing. then once u r satisfied with the outline, draw the inner structures. NEVER DRAW THE INNER STRUCTURE IF U R NOT SATISFIED WITH YOUR OUTLINE.
- When I started sketching portraits my teacher gave me a golden advice that fortunately works for our biology drawing questions too. the advice is "try to break down any drawing into simpler shapes before u start filling in the details". break down your drawing into circles, ovals, triangles, rectangles, etc. this will help u a lot with your outline part.
- if u r very bad at drawing try to attend this question at the end of the paper as it might consume lot of time.
- At last, I'd like to mention about a rule that everybody knows but yet many of us fail to follow. that is, you should never shade your drawing. it doesn't matter whether shading makes your drawing look good, never shade it. I'm telling u this, coz my biology teacher stated this rule like a million times and yet may students shaded their drawings the exam. so, yeah, just keep all of this in mind.
Best of luck,
Vasumitra Gajbhiye