Tonight I had a pretty bad bout with my ibs, not sure which kind. My symptoms tonight, and anytime I get a flare up, are severe abdominal pain and constipation. And then when relief starts it is pretty bad diarrhea. At some point during this painful process it actually feels as though the flood gates open and I get full relief.
This used to happen 3-5 times a week until one day about 5 years ago it was so severe that I had to go to emergency. The er doctor prescribed me dicyclomine and something to help with the pain. The dicyclomine helped immensely in the long term, as I am still taking it today. I worked with my gp and gi to help get me on the correct dosage. I was taking too much for a while, and one wanted me to only take it when I felt the pain coming on. We settled on me taking two 20mg pills every day, one with breakfast and one with dinner. I also semi improved my diet, although I’m still not entirely sure what all my triggers are, and it has often seemed random.
I still do get the occasional flare up, as I did tonight. But I am always reminded that it used to be much worse and much more often. I am extremely appreciative of the er doctor for finally getting me the correct help. Previously my other doctors had brushed it off or said there wasn’t much to do for it. My quality of life has improved significantly. I strongly recommend talking to your doctor about dicyclomine if you have similar symptoms and not a lot of answers.
Just wanted to share my story, as many on here have helped me get through some low times with their stories or suggestions.