Hi all, I just wanted to come on here and I guess rant and get some help/advice. I’ve been having weird issues with my gut health as of late, I went to the doctors a couple months ago to report some bloating and also some constipation issues that had been there for a couple weeks (the constipation for almost a week but it would be on off on off) and the doctor suggested I did a blood test and in the meanwhile go on this thing called movicol to “reset” my gut. I did and it didnt really work for me while I was on it but after it totally reset my gut. However, I ended up coming back for my results and I had really low iron and my doctor recommended I go on Maltofer and that was fine for the first week and then I started having really awful gas issues where I could not fart and would have to strain to get any out (i was on it for about a month). I couldnt take it and tried to find anything that could be the issue of this gas problem, until I concluded it was probably that. It has definitely gotten better since then but am still having some issues with that, however, now I am having some gut issues since getting of the iron (where it goes constipation, diarrhoea, normal etc etc). I don’t know how to fix it and I dont know what it is. Does anyone have any advice?
UPDATE: I ended up doing a stool test and the results came back clear “nothing concerning” but there’s definitely an issue what do I do?