Endometrial biopsy painful?
Salutations, hyster-sisters! I'm having an endometrial biopsy next week in advance of a planned hysterectomy sometime next month. I'm pretty stoked about ditching the troublesome organs, but the thought of the biopsy and the pain/recovery from it has me a bit anxious. I've had IUDs installed, and that was pretty awful. I'm expecting this to be similar, but worse.
Could anyone who's been through an endometrial biopsy walk me through your experience please? Bonus points for tips for recovering from the biopsy. Will I need pads?! (I use a cup normally). Ugh the anxiety is real today.
Edited to add: I had my biopsy day before yesterday. It was awful. I cried. My husband changed his plans so he could be there to hold my hand. He also gave me perfume to help me feel better, so I smelled amazing while I wiped the snot off my face. My robot-assisted laparoscopic total hysterectomy is scheduled for April, so I'm counting it as a win.
Now, more Tylenol, please...