Observation Insights: Genesis

Sol III. It's no new planet. Data shows that it may have formed 4 and a half billion years ago. But...something about this planet attracted us. Maybe it was the fact that Sol III stood alone in a sea of uninhabitable planets...or maybe it was the sheer danger of living in it. Regardless, Sol III was no normal planet. Blue oceans, green lands with some deserts here and there, a few paradisiacal areas...a normal planet at first glance, but digging deeper resulted in us finding that Sol III had all the makings of a Class X Deathworld.

Class X Deathworlds are...very rare, to put it mildly. We've only discovered five of them in this galaxy, out of tens of thousands of deathworlds. Class X Deathworlds are the types of world that teeter between "deathworld" and "completely uninhabitable." Unpredictable, strong weather, toxic plants all over, devastating ecological events...the list goes on seemingly forever. Finding any sort of native sapient life in them is nearly impossible.

But...one has begun to show signs of pre-sapience. We don't have a name for them yet. Further observation has revealed that they are Bipedal Mammalians. Similar to a different few species on the planet, but these are...different. Rudimentary weapons, tribe mentality, shelter making...like I said, pre-sapience. I've already petitioned the Council to officially name these species...and I'm personally interested in seeing their evolution. A Class X Deathworld species can be rather interesting to observe. Not to mention the tremendous amount of society-related insights we'll get. I'll continue this log once they've shown further signs of evolution...us Eilram have millions of years worth of lifespans, after all.