Help with some sound treatment in an odd shaped room

Hi all, I have a very oddly shaped room that I've decided to convert to a home theatre. But the problem is the area I've chosen to be the main listener/viewer position has a lot of echos being in the "alcove". Can anyone offer any suggestions on some sound treatment to help improve the sound? I don't want the sound to be complete dead either as I do a fair amount of music listening as well.

I'm thinking of adding some absorption panels in the flat "wing" areas directly in front of the front speakers, combination of absorption and diffusion on the hexagon wall walls, and maybe some diffusion in the ceiling. But I'm in no ways an expert here.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!!

Dark blue squares - speakers; dark blue circles - Atmos speakers; yellow - subwoofer; light blue - acoustically transparent projection screen; red - doorways into the room; green - MLP