New space - 75” TV hanging advice and help looking for a decent, low profile media cabinet / credenza so that I don’t end up on r/tvtoohigh. How to determine proper TV height?
75” TV hanging advice and help looking for a decent, low profile media cabinet / credenza so that I don’t end up on r/tvtoohigh
So, new space sand new TV. I wanna take this opportunity to mount it at the proper height. I have attached some general pics, the nitty-gritty details are below…
Here are some details to help:
-The TV is a 75” set that measures 66”x37”
-We will be sitting approximately 7ft from the TV when it’s mounted on the wall.
-Our main speakers are 12” tall (and 9” wide), so the TV mounting height will have to have the bottom of the TV at least 12” above the top of the credenza. Speaker mounting on the wall or on stands to the left and right of the cabinet are not options. I’ll need the speakers to be on top of the cabinet.
-This is the TV mount:
-The credenza you see pictured worked great for years with out previous 65” TV since the width of the TV allowed us to have our speakers right off to the left and right of the set on the credenza.
-The credenza needs to have cabinet doors that can all be closed - so it’s a solid front with no open slits or compartments.
-My AVR is 18” wide by 6” tall by 14” deep, so at least one shelf/compartment on the credenza will have to be able to
-wiring will be in-wall from the TV to behind the credenza.
-We like the idea of a new cradenza that’s super low and long/wide. Like this:
Or :
I suppose I could do most of this research myself - it’s just that I would need to know The height for the credenza to accommodate my speaker while still having the TV at the proper height
Or maybe I can just ask this: what is the toggle of thumb? Just measure how high my eyes are when I’m sitting on the couch, then put the center of the tv at that height on the wall - and then subtract ~12” for the speakers, and then THAT is the max height that the credenza can be?
Thanks a TON in advance.