Machine marks at tab locations?

CAD/CAM rogram is Fusion 360, cut on a shapeoko 4xxl. These marks appear on either side of the tab location no matter what I do. I have leveled and trimmed and squared the machine still getting these machine marks. Any ideas? I'm using a quarter inch of flute up cut bit meant for HDPE, the material pictured. Thank you for the help this subreddit has been amazing.

CAD/CAM rogram is Fusion 360, cut on a shapeoko 4xxl. These marks appear on either side of the tab location no matter what I do. I have leveled and trimmed and squared the machine still getting these machine marks. Any ideas? I'm using a quarter inch of flute up cut bit meant for HDPE, the material pictured. Thank you for the help this subreddit has been amazing.