Suggestion for a veteran solo board gamer, but newbie to War Board Gaming?
Hey there! I'm looking to expand my horizons a bit, and wanted to try a solo war game. I've very familiar with complex euros like Gaia Project or Through the Ages, but not as much with war games. The closest is probably Twilight Imperium or Eclipse?
I was kind of looking at Fire in the Lake as I've always been sort of interested in the Vietnam War and don't know much about it, but also saw People Power recommended as an easier entry point and saw Fire in the Lake was quite a behemoth for someone new to war games.
Not necessarily limiting myself to the COIN games, but got the impression it might be an easier foray into the genre given my euro background.
One solo thing I've run into before is difficult to run bots. I get a little annoyed when I forget what I was trying to do on my turn because the bot turns took too much brain to run. Not sure if that'll be an issue here or with this genre generally - especially if games are more tactical than strategic - but saw some of the flow charts that gave me pause, but also saw there's decks that are easier to run?