Noone to spread democracy with

Hello there! My girlfriend has recently joined the helldivers and really enjoys the game, but she struggles finding comrades. Her friends don’t play the game and we only have 1 console to share so I can’t play with her either. Would anybody like to adopt a lonely helldiver into their group? Preferably players that use voice comms. Her code is 54848386

For liberty, democracy and super earth 👊🏻

Hello there! My girlfriend has recently joined the helldivers and really enjoys the game, but she struggles finding comrades. Her friends don’t play the game and we only have 1 console to share so I can’t play with her either. Would anybody like to adopt a lonely helldiver into their group? Preferably players that use voice comms. Her code is 54848386

For liberty, democracy and super earth 👊🏻