Looking for my first iem under 2k

So, I bought my oneplus buds in mid-2022 and really liked them, but now I need corded earphones, so I looked, and iems are the only option that provides equal or better sound for my INR 2,000 budget. I listen to energetic and upbeat songs like Phonks, as well as usual soft music like Arijit Singh or Jubin, but I don't need detailed lyrics. As I am not an audioprofile, I attempted to explain as best I could with my limited understanding; please forgive my newbieness, and I will be purchasing from headphonezone, so there will be no refund if I don't like it, so I'm attempting to alleviate such concerns. From my research, I found these options: truthear gate, kz castor harman target base version, tangzu wan'r s.g for under ₹2,000.