Why I disliked WOA
I finished the game a while ago, actually just the story line. Is there anything to enjoy past that? Other than trying to get achievements for planting giant crops.
I know people say it's the first good harvest moon game after the change. I don't really see it honestly even tho I haven't really played the previous new ones in the serie. It feels like a game from another genre, more of an adventure game than the cozy farming game I was hoping for. The next step would've been for them to add combat lmao.
I've played numerous Harvest moon games, and my all time fav is AWL. It felt gloomy , cozy but at the same time I felt like I wanted to grind to get the farm upgrades I wanted. it didn't need a quest line to be fun, played AWL more hours with less content than WOA.
For those who haven't played the game here's a brief sumup without spoilers : You live in a closed village with a wall and you discover that a long time ago fairies built walls all over the world to protect villagers from a volcano. You take on the adventure in the big world discovering villages, taking down their walls and doing quests for the villagers.
The reasons why I didn't like Wind of Anthos are:
1- The overall story/quest line: it's so repetitive, "go bring me this item or fish or crop","thanks now get this item that you will use in the next quest" it feels a bit childish too lmao, I don't even know why tho fairies and elves are the norm in harvest moon. And mainly like I said it being an Adventure game.
2-The world :There's different "biomes" which is cool but the world is unnecessarily big because it just feels empty. This point adds to it being more of an adventure game, it's not cozy because it's big. And because it's big you have to teleport to other areas which I dislike very much but it's kind of necessary because it'll take you all day to reach another biome and you'll waste all your energy bar which is a feature I dislike as well.(I liked the mines as well)
3- The characters: I guess the Doc who you meet at the start of the game is the most memorable character, there's one other cool character, the rest are just vain. I've seen a lot of people speak about this, there's no depth in the personality of the characters, overall maybe 3 good characters in the whole game.
4- Money: Could've added more farm upgrades, feature and items you can buy, so you can play after the end of the quest line, and feel like you're actually achieving something other than harvesting special crops.
5- Graphics: They just feel too smooth and unrealistic and bright. It's not just about Wind of anthos, most of the new games of this series even the SOS ones are this way. It's like seeing a new version of a cartoon show you watched as a kid. I'm not asking for old pixels, blurry graphics but why so shiny and bright? Which adds to it feeling like a child's game.( this is probably just a personal preference)
So yeah that's my point of view, I would like to hear about your opinions so maybe I can try looking at the game in a different perspective.
Note: I don' think the game is garbage , just that it doesn't fit the harvest moon game theme and it personally disappointed me and I regret spending 45$ for it lol.