Pls heed evac orders

🚨 These wildfires escalate incredibly fast. What might seem like manageable embers or small brush fires can turn into a raging inferno in minutes. Evacuation orders are issued based on how quickly fires are likely to spread.

Staying in a backyard pool surrounded by wildfire is not survivable. The best plan is to prepare the house and evacuate when orders come. 🚨

If Ethan is surrounded by enough flames to require jumping into his pool, he would still pass out from smoke inhalation and drown. His home is multi-story and surrounded by extremely dry brush. It would burn for hours, with massive flames, filling the area with smoke and intense heat.

Using a garden hose might seem like a solution, but water pressure can drop during a fire emergency due to high demand or infrastructure damage. Plus, radiant heat can ignite materials even if you’re spraying them with water, and wind can blow embers beyond your reach.

Fires grow exponentially—what starts small can double in size every 30 seconds to a minute. A single ember can ignite a large fire in under a minute, and the flames can exceed 1,000°F, causing severe burns (even without direct contact) and depleting oxygen.

By the time the fire appears “bad,” it’s often already too late to escape due to blocked routes or heavy smoke. I support staying vigilant and doing whatever you can, but evacuation orders are given with time to flee. Once conditions escalate, escape becomes impossible.

Stay safe everyone ❤️