How do I stop compulsively adjusting my pedal settings and actually focus on playing/practicing?
I have an absolute hell of a time choosing a Delay setting that feels right to me, regardless of what I'm playing. I'm consistently finding myself fiddling with it. Particularly the Delay time/rate. Personally, I'm beginning to suspect that I need to switch to a tap-tempo delay and sell my Carbon Copy to remedy this.
My argument for this is that if I have an idea in my head of what I want to practice, then I can naturally feel the rhythm and set the Delay time according to the tempo I hear in my head. Much quicker than trying to adjust the sensitive knob until it sounds right.
Aside from this, I'm curious to hear your guys take on this and describe your personal stories with overcoming these challenges and what your philosophy is for good, productive guitar practice. Not just with Delays but with whatever else you may have struggled with. This stuff feels exhausting sometimes.