Looking for a very specific, mid gain overdrive pedal
Hey guys, I' looking for some suggestions for an overdrive pedal. I'm currently not satisfied at all with my low to medium gain overdriven sound, I have a SD1 that does a good job pushing other pedal but I'm not sold on the sound of the SD1 by itself.
My setup (I'm playing through a JCM800 20w head + V30 2*12) is already mid-heavy and I'm looking for something different. Ideally, I'm looking for an overdrive with the following qualities:
- As transparent as possible - I already have a TS808 and the SD1 to cover my mid-hump needs, and still I rarely use them by themselves as the sounds get too honky for my tastes;
- A decent amount of gain on tap. Enough to be used for medium gain chunky open-chord riffs, at least (think of something just a tad more saturated than Smashing Pumpkins' Muzzle opening);
- Cleans well when I turn down the volume on guitar, and picks up my picking dynamics (no pun intended) well;
- Priority goes to non-boutique, I'm willing to pay as much as 170-200 EUR but the less the (much) better, I'm not picky but I prefer easily available, "mainstream" pedals (if the term makes some sense).
- It stacks well with other OD/dist pedals
- Plus: small form factor. Not really a dela breaker
- Work well with both single coil and hb, as I use guitars with both in my setlist.
Context: I'm playing 90's grunge and alt rock, I have my high gain needs (kinda) covered by a Bogner Ecstasy Red pedal (the one with the boost). I run my pedals into the low gain input of the JCM800 trying to push the master volume as much as possible. I use 2 strats, one with lace sensors red/silver/blue and one with high output DiMarzio rails HBs.
I know that's a lot of requirement but let's see if anyone comes up with some good ideas. Feel free to ask for more info/context