Decision: online CS programs UIUC MCS/UTA MSCS/Gatech MSCS
I applied to Stanford, UIUC, UT Austin, Gatech CS program.
I got rejected from Stanford, so I am deciding between other three programs.
My understanding is the following:
Admission rate: Gatech > UIUC > UTA
Number of Courses offered: Gatech > UIUC = UTA
ML courses offered: Gatech >= UT Austin > UIUC
Systems Courses offered: Gatech >= UIUC > UTA
Thesis Options YES: UTA Only
Tuition: UIUC > UTA > Gatech
However, I heard that you don’t really get to choose the classes you want at Gatech. Sometimes, there are some classes they don’t offer for online program, only in person students.
Is that true?
I am specifically interested in robotics and AI/ML.