Two months after elbow dysplasia surgery

My sweet girl got to do her first off leash field trip since before her diagnosis. I can’t even begin to describe how meaningful it was to me to see her act like a Golden Retriever, run through a field, chase after birds, and overall love her life. I definitely had tears of joy in my eyes watching her. 🥹

Managing elbow dysplasia (fragmented coronoid process) has been physically, emotionally, and financially challenging (thank God for pet insurance!!), but this dog has the most amazing attitude and refuses to give up!

She is making amazing strides in her recovery, and soon she will begin joint injections to help her continue to feel her best. I drive an hour each way every week so she can have physical therapy with a rehab vet, and it has helped so much. She is on a multitude of supplements her vets recommended, and we are trying everything we can to delay the onset of arthritis in her elbow joints. She was diagnosed at 7 months, had surgery at 9 months, and is currently 11 months.