Is Bush’s beans really gluten free?
I have celiac disease and adhere to a strict gluten free diet. And I was wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience.
The last two times I’ve had Bush’s beans I’ve had a reaction. The first time was to the butter beans and the second time was to the black eyed peas. Both say they’re gluten free on the can and on the website. I also can eat other brands of canned beans without issue. I’m curious is others have had reactions to Bush’s brand canned beans?
EDIT: Thanks everyone for your responses! The consensus is that Bush’s beans marked gluten free are safe. It may have just been an unlucky coincidence. A few people suggested that it could be the can opener which I never would’ve thought of. And a few others suggested it could be a FODMAP reaction. I have a few things to look into and check. Thank you all!