White fuzz on my peanut seeds
Hello good peoples of the Gardening sub, I'm attempting to grow peanuts from seed, starting them indoors but I've had no luck.
Started 20 in small starter pots (grow tent, full spectrum grow light, heat pad), they've all developed a white fuzz like the picture attached. Also attempted to start another 20 in moist papers just to get them germinated and they're also growing white fuzz.
I've contacted the seed seller to see if anyone else is having an issue but is there something I could be doing something wrong?
Thanks in advance.
Update 1: Next step is to try germinating some seeds in paper towel but water them half as much. I'm still not convinced there isn't an issue with these seeds but after contacting the supplier they said they haven't had anyone else reporting an issue.
Next next step is ordering seeds from another supplier to confirm or deny my suspicions. I'm mostly a tomato, pepper, eggplant and squash grower which I've been able to germinate with few problems through the years so the issues I'm having germinating these peanuts is a little troubling.