Updating my set up, any advice?
Recently i ordered a new gaming laptop and wanted to upgrade my set up just for it. So far i've been able to replace the mouse pad and got a cooling pad, im looking foward to replacing the speakers but habe trouble deciding which are a good choice. I was told about the Razer leviathan v2,but i've heard the bass is mid, and since i also listen to a lot of metal at full volume i feel like a good bass is important (+ since its for a gaming laptop, idk if 2 speakers are more aesthetically pleasing than 1).I've also been debating if i should get a keyboard and a headset stand, but idk if neither are necessary, as laptops already have keyboards and i barely use my headset because im friendless. So any ideas what i should add to upgrade my set up? Opinions? Second picture is how is going rn (Also i really love RGB so im looking for every product to have the funny lights)