Does the experience older gamers have serve as a disadvantage in modern games?
This might seem like a strange question but I feel like my gaming experience is a detriment in modern games. I grew up with titles where coming in contact with an enemy meant taking damage, and I’ve been playing Hades where they only hurt you if you get caught in the active frames of their attacks. I’m so used to avoiding contact that even though I know I can dash through them for backstab damage, I have a hard time turning off decades of experience. I’ve found that in other games, enemies are doing things that I’m not expecting, like leaving what appear to be clearly delineated zones to look for me, chasing me through changing screens, etc. Most of the games I used to play had enemy behavior limited by hardware restrictions, but as they fall away I’m finding modern gameplay mechanics are killing me until I adapt. Am I alone in this or do other gamers find they’re having the same issues. I’m Gen X, for what it’s worth.