Do you play everything you collect?
When you make a purchase, are you buying it with the mindset that you're going to open and play it or do you buy games with no intention of playing them? Maybe a little of both? Me personally, I buy games that I'm going to play. I have a huge backlog of games I need to play but I do plan on playing them eventually, I've only bought 3 games I never plan on opening. I'd love to be able to just throw money at whatever for my collection but for me to pull the trigger, it has to be a game I plan on playing. I'm not hating on anyone who collects and doesn't open sealed games, we all collect in our way, just me personally I only buy games I plan on playing excluding the 3 games I mentioned. Thanks to anyone who contributes to this thread, I'm always curious about what the majority of collectors do with the collection.