dear god please take me now

i was going to post this on my throwaway but i realized that i don’t care.

i got my first T shot on friday, 200mg/mL, .25mL dose. yay !! note i am very asexual (subtle foreshadowing). last night i was waiting to do laundry in my college dorm and holy shit out of nowhere i got bricked up to high heavens. i wanted to die. can a man not do his laundry in peace? this must be what teenage boys feel like. god bless i was able to do my laundry and escape back to my room where i took care of theinkwolf jr. note, get a cheap bullet vibrator off of some website (mine was like $10-15), that guy is my best friend for life. sitting in my drawer right now.

but i thought i would have more time before the demon took control but no. “for me it kicked in around 4 months” “it still hasn’t hit me and ive been on t for years” nothing will prepare you. my fate is sealed now alongside the persistent acne that has made itself known along my jawline. it has been four days and it will only go downhill from here. godspeed to my fellow soldiers battling their own mind right now. i will say that the climax however was more intense than it usually is so that was nice.

hopefully god willing i have not pavlov’d myself into getting worked up at the sight of my college’s shitty washing machines but we’ll find out after thanksgiving break. if you have stumbled across this post wondering when your testosterone horniness will kick in, well, it depends on the person. you might not even get increased libido at all, which is equally normal. but just know you may be subjected to the quick and merciless process that has been afflicted upon me

edit: thank you all for the solidarity, i am glad to know that we are all united by being haunted by our libidos … and thank you to those who recommended that i invest in a more sturdy vibrator, i will be doing that as to not be left high and dry by my current one which is probably on its last leg with the rate that i will be going at. i see your cock conundrums and i am with you (but not too close)