95 hours, and i finally beat the game.
I am smart, in some ways. People respect me at my job, i swear.
But for some reason my brain has never been great at intuitively comprehending game systems. And it doesn't help that when playing roguelikes, i do just kinda expect to die a lot, blame some of it on poor RNG, and not just really grasp some of the mechanics.
Anyway. 80 goddamn hours in, and i didn't realize that killing the crew of enemy ships resulted in better scrap, vs just blowing them up, until I ran across one comment that made me start looking up this community and read the wiki. I had written off Ion weapons as a gimmick- but 'surely a weapon that can do hull damage and system damage would be preferable'.
I never really invested heavily in engines.
I downplayed missiles because "A drone has better damage-per-part, and teleporting bombs ignore shields and drones".
I don't think i had ever bought a teleporter.
I'd still managed a couple ship unlocks. I still had been enjoying the game. But damn, the last 15 hours in it i've been playing an entirely different game.
Looking forward to continuing to unlock things, and eventually install multiverse.