How do you take an acquaintance to a real friendship

Hey guys, I realized that I can never make it out of the associate zone with people. Basically the associate zone is when people talk to you in school but actively try to keep the relationship going. Essentially it dies when you aren't around each other. I have opened up about this problem with people in the past and they seem to think im trying to force a friendship to happen. They think it should have naturally and tbh I hate that logic.

Friendship takes effort. It isn't effortless like people make it out to be. Someone going to have to initiate and make plans. I have 2 examples of classmates I have gotten to know over the years. I'm curious if you guys find them friend wonder.

One is a girl. We sit next to each other in class. We go out to the bars alot and have been on the same IM sports team. It isn't wierd for her to invite to come sit with her friends. In fact she has done that before. The only problem is that I don't know how to get closer to her without it being wierd.

The only person is a guy. Pretty much the same story. In fact, he always hugs me everyday. He has express interest in playing video games together but it has never happen.

If I do nothing, they just going to stay the way they are. So thats my examples. I'm going back to school next week so I'm curious what would guys do?