How about ... ?
... some new Uniforms like:
MarineUniform. Of course I have to mention it. It is kind of strange that they aren't already in the game. Let them carry full Buckets like they are running around with just a hammer. Give them the ability to defend themself while in water, like using their secondary Wepons (Club, Sword) Would be fun waiting inbetween a broken Bridge just to smack the shit of some dudes trying to cross the Water.
Firefighter. Give our Brothers an proper Unifrom to run into burning Buildings without getting the risk of smoke poisoning(lol) and catching fire to fast. Also let them carry full Buckets like its nothing. Maybe a shiny Helmet would be nice.
Military chaplain. It will be kind of useless like the Officer Uniforms but with the nice twist that you can't carry any Weapons or Granates that harm people. because you are a Man of God. You can be like a second Hand Medic who can carry less Medic supplies but more than a regular Soldier. You can give [Pte]Privates his 10th final blessing of the day to hold his spirits high to turn into an CW. You can increase or decrease the moral of your Brothers and Sisters around you during an Arty bombardement. It all depends in how strong you believe in Callahan. Whatever, make it a war of Religion!
... some Teargas?
It reduces your vision and makes everything blurry. Playernames around you disappear, you lose orientation. You hear shots. Shots everywhere. You start blasting and your vision returns again. At this moment you realize the orange messages in chat. What have we done...
... some holes in Tires?
I am able to track Tanks but I am not able to shoot or stab a hole in Tires made of rubber. Mr. Devman, Sir, pls. I want to leave my truck for 20sec just to find its Tires stabbed. Let me run around in revange and stab all Tires from Vehicles made of Bmats. Each Tire will be like 5Bmats to repair and would be a nice way to slow Trucks down without having to disable them.
...Rmats in Container?
Let BigBad Clanman be able to occupy 20% of the Tank ques in an MPF with just one Container full with 5k Rmats. Would be some QoL change and I am looking forward to the moment when my Flatbed with 5k Rmats gets thrown over the Great Warden Dam because of Lags or some collision.
... new Medic Boats?
The Landing was a disaster. CW Soldies all over the Beach. Well, lets put an Ambulance on a Barge and hope for the best. OR, we could just add some new Type of small Abulanceboat that allows me to get the CW from the Beach and bring them to the new MedicShip to turn them into Shirts. This opens so much new opportunities. Like, our Navybros have now the chance to kill a Ship full of Medics and Woman with just 2 Torpedos. Thats like high end Warcrimes. Or you could just go total Viking and start raiding Islands and collect CW to fill your stockpiles with shirts. Some much crime. :D
Sorry for bad grammar.