420st Vet (WO2) Grindset
Always leave your vics unlocked 40 meters from the front, in front of your defenses, while under arty.
Make sure to call out "r*tarded" teammates for wasting supplies (using a grenadier uni to carry 5 trembolas).
Complain that your teammates arnt going to the front to fight before going afk with the last 500 bmats outside of the BB dying to arty.
Spam intel for help because your losing the fight after the 70th zerg rush over the bridge at treasury fails instead of pushing from either available flank position.
Immediately log after your push fails, taking the hex from a 5 player queue to med pop after your defenses get destroyed leaving it to everyone else to rebuild them for you.
Anything else I missed? Based on two hours of trying to play in Clastra and then Stlican (Killed 3 King Gallents and two King Spires at the cost of one Proto HT and one HT, good times!). No hate to the 420st low ranks as their generally friendly if inexperienced, but the WO2-OCDTs are some of the most annoying, unskilled, arrogant, and generally toxic players I have met, first time ive had such consistently bad experiences with any regi.