Discussion on raiding with high level players when you are a level below 300
So to preface this, I am currently a level 230ish. When I started the raids, someone around level 300 helped me get going. I’ve beat the snake numerous times now (finally able to survive maybe 70% of the time) but when I get in a raid with anyone over 800, I get laughed at, emote pointed at, and completely made fun of anytime I’m not 100% perfect in the raid. I felt so bad about it last night that I just quit and haven’t turned on the game since. So I want to know everyone’s rules and input here on raids. Do levels 1000+ only have business playing together and anyone below that has no right to be in a group with them? Do lower levels like myself have any business even trying to do raids? I finally can solo guardian by myself (until nerf time) but I enjoy the rest of the raid and I’m trying to get practice to get better and learn the game. I have gotten some valuable input from one or two players but there’s still so much I have no clue what I’m doing in the game. I just started playing in December and I feel like I have no business playing with a group until I’m a year in.