Survival mode. I can't
Geez. I understand that you guys want a challenge,but to me,this isn't a challenge. This is a bloody nightmare.
I don't think I've had a single ounce of fun with Survival mode. It's just painful and tedious. No fast travel is okay,I can handle that,but saving only through sleeping in a bed? Really? So if I die to an enemy in a gunfight,which I should never engage with in a gunfight in the first place and tried to flee,I have to respawn all the way back to where I last slept and have to redo everything if I didn't find another bed to sleep in? But if you sleep in too many beds,you become ill and infected.
If you use a stimpak,you get thirsty,if you use a radaway,you have an increased chance of getting sick. If you merely exist,you get a debuff. Ammo has weight value,your carry weight is very limited and you literally cannot participate in a gunfight unless you have decent power armor. The pressure of trying not to die because the enemies deal an astronomical amount of damage to you,isn't fun at all. Combine that with Bethesda's inability to at least add a checkpoint system,and voila. Tediousness at it's finest.
I've seen the popularity of survival mode,but I guess it just isn't for me. I can't get into it. It sounded fun on paper to me,but the actual experience wasn't what I expected. My question is just,how on earth do you guys enjoy it?