I straight up lied to the AMEs face

Was getting my first medical yesterday, he’s going through typical questions, scars and tattoos, overnight hospitalizations, et cetera. He then asks if I’ve had any surgeries. Why this caught me off guard I don’t know, but it did. I think for a moment and go, well, I had my tonsils out about 9-10 years ago. On with the rest of the examination… if he looked in my mouth he would’ve seen my big fat tonsils back there right where I said they weren’t. Nothing was said, I did end up passing. As I’m driving home, I go, oh my god, I’m a moron, it was my wisdom teeth.

This morning, I called them back acknowledging my mistake. They got it updated and said there’s no issue. They also have the water bottle that I lost. Whoops. But now to start flight training