What made you want to become a professional pilot?
Childhood dream? Why? You didn't know what to do and after a quick research you said, why not? You got influenced by a family member or friend? You flew commencially and liked it to the point you knew you wanted to do it for a living? You used to live close to an airport? You watched Top Gun and thought it was cool?...
For me... childhood dream (since I was 3yo). Never met any pilot until I started my PPL and had never flown until my first PPL lesson.
The triggers were probably 9/11 (don't ask! This is a difficult one to explain and I would never mention it during a job interview... I think the fact I was 3 and it seemed like something straight out of a movie really make me think about it) and watching Concorde take off (still have the footage, you can clearly see the sparkle in my eyes).
What about you?