27m, desperate to start healing my cPTSD. Need ideas how to get out of my environment

I moved out of my home state (alone, with no degree, it was a risk) exactly 3 years ago to start fresh and escape an abusive environment. I got a job I loved and had a girlfriend. For the first time in my adult life I was happy and in control.

2 years ago I got diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, which was particularly difficult because I have a fear of illness. I didn't have health insurance at the time, it was a scary time and I ended up having a mental breakdown that cost me my job.

I started prioritizing my health, and also putting a lot of focus into my girlfriend, our relationship became codependent and toxic. We split 1 year ago. Since then, I have not communicated or hung out with anyone. Silence, every single day.

It became clear in the past 3 months that the best path for me to get medical support was moving back in with my parents. I was able to get medical support, only to realize that my problems were largely emotional. And I'm now reliving the abuse I received in this environment that caused me to be this way.

I'm bedridden now. Having flashbacks every day and nightmares every night. I can't get hired anywhere because of my lack of credentials/references. I can't ask anyone from my hometown for help, because I have a reputation for my poor mental illness. But no one knows the abuse I've suffered that's got me to this point. My parents weren't the abusers, but I won't ever feel comfortable explaining it to them. They have been willing to help financially (they were recommended to send me to a $40k rehab because I was smoking too much weed. I quit myself and things have only got worse fwiw) so I have their support, but they don't believe that I have PTSD.

I've considered going back to college but I can't focus on anything right now. My brain is fogged by the ptsd and shame. I've considered maybe I need to be homeless so I have biological needs that are stronger than the trauma, but it's 20 degrees outside and I already have a weakened immune system.

I've tried 4 different therapists and it only makes me feel more hopeless because no one is giving credibility to the severity of my trauma. I'm looking into neuropsychology to see if I have a personality disorder but every day that goes by, I'm sinking to a darker place. I can't get out of bed for days at a time. When I do, I start sobbing uncontrollably and feel uncontrollable anger at myself and the world. I don't have time to wait months for a diagnosis/medication plan.

I need to get out of here. I need a new environment. I need a new community. One that's not judging me on my past. I want to be a hard working, helpful person. I would work for free if it meant a fresh start. Should I just drive to somewhere warm and try homelessness there. Can I go work for somewhere in nature that provides housing. Do I just belong in a mental institution because at this rate that's where I'll end up. I'm desperate, please help