Leverless Enclosure Recomendation
Hi I've been looking into building my first leverless after all the cool build that gets posted here daily. My main question is what enclosure should I get, I'm mainly looking something that can be an amazing showpiece but also durable
Some Options I Looked into
Allfightsticks: All metal would perfectly fit my durability req but I think compared to the other devices it might be a bit lacking in the eyecatching department + the weight might get tiering to bring to places
Jonyfraze FTW: Every time I see that enclousure it's some of the most beautiful sticks I've seen. A Bit Concered how it fairs heavy use over time but outside of that it's the main contender
ENTH: The only real reason there here is because of the sega p2 type layout (similar to the snackbox or the lightfox)
Any other enclosures you guy liked using that I might be missing on this list. Not trying to go past $300 for the full build.