NTEU - It’s Official: Members, DHS Approve New Contract

Just received this...

2025 NTEU-CBP National Collective Bargaining Agreement Summary of Major Changes

Most importantly:

Telework (Article 15) & Remote Work (Article 52)

♦ Defeated CBP effort to cut telework to one day per week
♦ Telework allowed up to eight days per pay period for eligible employees
♦ Added provisions for Remote WorkLocal and Remote Work-Distant, allowing full-time telework in certain cases

EDIT - Adding the rest of the summary for those who may not be able to access it:

2025 NTEU-CBP National Collective Bargaining Agreement Summary of Major Changes

Employee Wellness (Article 51)

♦ Increased PFIT to five hours per week; may be used during first or last hours of shift, except holidays
♦ Employee Wellbeing Support Services agreement locked into contract for six years

Overtime (Article 35)

♦ 12-hour Overtime Pilot incorporated into contract, blocking OT drafts in excess of 12 hours
♦ Employees may volunteer for OT in excess of 12 hours
♦ New process allowing employees to request waiver of OT cap

Reassignments (Article 39)

♦ New requirement that agency offers voluntary reassignments to employees before filling funded vacancies with new hires
♦ Eliminated delays on NROB list; LROB selection to BU positions made by seniority

Bid, Rotation & Placement (Article 13)

♦ Blocked agency attempts to cut BRP
♦ Added BRP rights for CBP Technicians

Alternative Work Schedules (Article 14)

♦ New requirement that CBP notify and bargain with NTEU before reducing percentage of employees on compressed work schedules

Telework (Article 15) & Remote Work (Article 52)

♦ Defeated CBP effort to cut telework to one day per week
♦ Telework allowed up to eight days per pay period for eligible employees
♦ Added provisions for Remote WorkLocal and Remote Work-Distant, allowing full-time telework in certain cases

Child Care Subsidy Program (Article 18)

♦ Raised Adjusted Gross Income to $175,000 to qualify for Child Care Subsidy
♦ Made it easier for overseas employees to qualify

Investigations (Article 22) & Periodic Reinvestigations and Continuing Evaluations (Article 50)

♦ Defeated agency attempts to take away employee rights to representation
♦ Added new process for informing employees and chapters of CE investigations
♦ Added three-day waiting period for employees to secure representation before answering questions in CE investigations NTEU.org