Vacation rental as investment property?

I am 32 and (hopefully) on a path to fatFIRE. Work in tech, income has been steady at ~$600-700K for a few years now. My net worth is around $3M, pretty much all of it in the stock market.

The only "problem" is that I have zero debt, and don't own any real estate. With interest rates set to hike and all the <2.5% 30-year mortgages on the edge of disappearing, I think it makes sense for me to utilize this credit line. However I don't plan to stick around in the Bay Area for too long, and so buying a house here as a primary residence doesn't make sense. I am happy renting for the foreseeable future. My options:

  1. Decide on where to live long term and buy a house there.
  2. Buy a property (in the Bay Area or elsewhere) and rent it out, maybe with the option of moving into it down the line.
  3. Buy a property in a "hot" vacation city and rent it out for short stints (think AirBnb or the like) and also occasionally use.
  4. Do nothing, keep investing in stocks.

Has anyone been in my situation and picked one of these options? I'm particularly intrigued by #3, since it seems to offer a lot of flexibility with low effort (assuming I can find a good management company to take care of things). What are your recommendations for my situation?