How do you handle significant-life-event gifts for wealthy friends?
I have been very comfortably fatFIREd since 2020. A good friend of mine is getting married soon. He is in a similar financial position to me, although he is still working. I’m fine with spending high-five-figures on a wedding gift, but I can’t imagine there is anything material that they want. The idea of getting them a gift seems as ridiculous as someone buying me a gift. (Thanks, but if I wanted it, I’d have it…)
They are not registered anywhere, but the invitation doesn’t say no gifts or request that gifts be donated instead.
How do you handle significant-life-event gifts for your wealthy friends?
Mildly-comedic update: this is a close enough friend that I decided to just talk to him about it. Their wedding website now says “No gifts please.” I am still curious how other people handle this type of situation.