I’m tired of juvenile quality books being labeled as adult fantasy romance solely because they are spicy.
please tell me i am not alone, this has become my biggest pet peeve with fantasy romance. So many books, especially recent ones just read like a juvenile book. the writing is juvenile, the characters are juvenile (figuratively), the plots, characters and world building are often lacking in complexity.
i swear that every other book i read, if one is to takeaway sex scenes and swear words or sexual language, these books would be marketed to kids 11 and up. i’m just tired of these straightforward and easy to read YA books masquerading as adult fantasy romance.
Edit: i should clarify in case anyone interprets this differently that i don’t equate mediocre writing with YA books, or that YA books can’t have amazing world building or complex plots and characters. but lacking one or more of these features is pretty common in YA/Juvenile books, while in Adult fantasy books these features are usually core characteristics.