
A lot has been said about C3, and now that it's nearing its conclusion it's natural to see speculation about C4 becoming more frequent. That ranges fron wish lists to character predictions to speculations about the game system they will be using and so on.

I'm making this post mainly to see if anybody else is not at all convinced that there even will be a Campaign 4, in the sense "campaign" is conventionally thought about in the context of CR—the existing cast members coming together for 100++ episodes over the course of multiple years to tell a continuous story, like C1, C2 and C3.

It’s clear that they have experimented with other formats in the past—most notably EXU, but also the various shows they’ve platformed with limited or no direct involvement. These ventures seemed, at least in part, like test balloons to explore different options for the future, with varying degrees of success. Not saying their main objective was searching for a "way out", but I'm sure that thought at least played some role, even just for future-proofing the brand.

One of the main criticisms I’ve seen regarding C3 (and I’ve felt it myself) is the apparent lack of enthusiasm and investment on the players' part. Whether you call it burnout or a byproduct of how they shoot episodes, it’s a sentiment I’ve seen echoed here and one I couldn’t shake when I was still following along.

What does that mean for "C4"? Will everyone of the main cast be back for a 4th time? Will they aim for hundreds of hours of play once again? I'm not so sure, but of course they might just do exactly that and only replace 5e with DH. What do you guys think?